Articles & Blog

  1. Inside Out 3: The Menopause Transition

    2024-07-01 16:07:07 UTC

    I decided to have a little fun with AI after watching Inside Out 2 last night. Now casting… Inside Out 3 - The Menopause Transition. Introducing: Insomnia, Despair, Lethargy, Hot Flashes, and Brain Fog. But also featuring Anxiety and Sadness!  I am SO grateful that I learned EFT…

  2. What to do when things are slow…

    2024-04-02 19:53:52 UTC

    Newton’s First Law of Motion (or Inertia) states that an object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion. Inertia is terrifying for a lot of my clients, so how do we keep moving when it feels like there’s nothing to move?Here are some

  3. Navigating The Red Lights In Your Career

    2024-03-20 18:49:02 UTC

    Last week I wrote about how economic instability and other factors are pushing some people out of their industries (especially commercial photographers and agents.) I’m so grateful to everyone who has reached out to share their stories since we started this conversation about work. Lots of tears and laughter, reflection,

  4. Is it time for a career shift?

    2024-03-17 20:02:00 UTC

    Just because you may have identified as a (fill in career title here) for many years, just because you have put in so much time, money, blood, sweat, and tears into your career, doesn’t mean you can’t honor that version of you and release it or transform it. Especially if…

  5. Exploring Subconscious Intelligence for Creative Expansion

    2024-02-06 20:03:35 UTC

    In my hypnotherapy work, I usually begin by guiding my clients to a safe place created by their imagination. It’s a basecamp where the mind can return at any point in the subconscious journey, a staging area that provides a beautiful and secure space to rest and acclimate before ascending…

  6. 50 Lessons from 50 Years

    2023-12-21 23:42:00 UTC

    I know absolutely none of you are going to believe it when I tell you I am turning 50 today! What?! I know. This skin! This hair! It must be a gross miscalculation… but I double checked my ID I never make a big deal out of my own birthdays…

  7. Unravelling in Partnership

    2023-07-25 18:30:40 UTC

    Last week I was grappling with this habit seeking clarity outside of myself. When things feel uncomfortable, I start scrambling for solutions, advice, astrological explanations, hypnosis recordings, even memes, anything to “fix” what feels “bad.”After noticing this habit, I set the intention to allow myself to accept the feelings, reframe…

  8. Coaching on Money Mindset

    2023-07-10 16:05:36 UTC

    This is a coaching case study shared with permission from my client, Lauri. Lauri came to me wanting to improve her mindset around money and scarcity. Since money beliefs and identity surrounding those beliefs can be very deeply rooted, we decided to initiate a 6-session coaching plan, each session lasting…

  9. Attract Clients Fearlessly.

    2023-07-05 18:33:00 UTC

    I just finished reading The Prosperous Coach and there was some great advice that I think will apply to all of my clients who love to avoid showing up, marketing themselves, and “selling.”Here are some steps for building relationships that will feel good to both parties (modified from the book)…

  10. My Top 10 Growth Hacks for Business & Life

    2023-06-14 19:23:00 UTC

    When i’m sitting in my office, alone, trying to figure out my next move it can be daunting, often futile. Can you relate? That’s when I go to my go-to growth hacks, and today I’m sharing them with you!  These are my 10 favorite business growth hacks: 1. Reading,…

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