
“I'm sitting out in front of my business as a proud business owner, and I have to say I haven't felt this way in a really long time, and I owe a big part of that to you because of how you've led me. What's so genuinely beautiful about it all is that you listen so carefully, and you hear me, and then you ask me the right questions… I really feel like it's absolute, genuine magic how we've been working together and what we've accomplished and I'm so grateful.” - Tami Bogard, Forest City Float

"I have wanted to work with Amy for years and it was everything I had hoped for and so much more. Her wide ranging experience in the photo industry coupled with her holistic approach to self awareness fosters a level of insight that is unmatched. Amy took the time to understand and explore my specific needs and presented targeted feedback with a plan of action. I have worked with many consultants over the years and Amy has far exceeded my expectations. A collaborative partner and big picture thinker, Amy is able to hone in on your vision and challenge you to embrace your true path."  - Nicole Mlakar 

"I worked with Amy 1-on-1 early this year and our time together was transformational. The skills I acquired help me EVERY DAY to manage stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and take (better) care of myself... But also to dream bigger, get in touch with deeper parts of me, and break through hang-ups that I allow to hold me back. The habits that I set with Amy are locked into me. I do tapping every morning and at every moment I am stressed. And I taught my daughter, too. It’s amazing. You’re amazing!"  -Stacy Feyer-Salo

“I just slept for 10 hours and woke up feeling so calm. I’ve never felt that quickly of a shift from feeling total overwhelm to such relaxation and ease. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, that was so special.”  -Byrne Furlong

"After our session, I’ve felt so much more grounded and secure around navigating life and career choices I’ve been struggling with. I’ve been able to effectively move through difficult choices, spend less time overthinking others, and overall, just feel like I’m able to clearly hear my intuition." -Manny I.

"Honest to God, connecting with Amy was the start of my total business and money mindset shift this year. Like, she's incredible." - Hilaire Baumgartner, Photographer, Dallas

"I am still unbelievably thankful for the tapping “journey” you took me (us) on this morning. I now understand how powerful tapping can be. I had done a few guided tappings on the Tapping Solutions app, which where calming, but it never occurred to me how much more immensely powerful a personalized tapping session would be. WOW! It was breathtaking… Also because your words and the way you talked me through my anxiety were spot on. You went right to the core of my fear, and especially the “you are not in control even in a perfect world” took tons of guilt, fear, burden off me immediately. I had never thought about it in this way. AWE! I will definitely be back for a private session! And will let everyone know about your gifts. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!" - Evi, NYC

"Yesterday was magic, I wasn't expecting it to hit me like it did. It was really moving and beautiful and I love the work that you do and the spaces you create and the way you've helped me unlock things that need to move thru me! THANK YOU, YOU ARE MAGIC & I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH ✨❤️" -Amanda H.

"I just completed I tapping session with Amy and honestly, it was life changing. She was so understanding, comforting and her tapping was amazingly targeted. I cried, my heart broke and was slowly put back together again. By the end of the session I felt a physical shift in my body. My anxiety went from an 8/10 to a 3/10 and I’ve been given practical skills to use in my everyday life. I can’t thank or recommend her enough. I will be booking again!!" - Edith O., Australia 

"I love sharing my wins with you because I think you always deserve to know that working with you has been a huge shift for me in my career.
I had a meeting with a client, who I only wrote because I now carve out time to reach out to new clients each month… 
It was just a lovely meeting where a young brand that is doing cool stuff wants to work with me and has a need in the coming months. I’m feeling really lifted and positive and I’m just here to say, THANKS!"
- Manuela Insixiengmay, Photographer, Seattle

"Working with Amy on my portfolio and photographic career process, she really set me straight and got me back on track to what's important to me with what I do and how I do it. I especially love her exercises that get you there, it also really helped me solidify who I am, what I love and what matters to me, it was super fun and now i have a lot of work to do! Knowing Amy now has my back and I have someone I trust to turn to for questions and important decisions is a big sigh of relief :)"Piper Ferguson, photographer, Los Angeles

"I just finished re-listening to our call and wanted to say thank you so much. I now have a 6 page to-do list! It feels so good to finally have a step-by-step plan and some clarity. That was one of the most informative and helpful calls I have had." - Bruce Vincentiis, photographer, Cambodia

"Beyond Amy's highly skilled integration of various self-optimization tools, her presence and pure intention to support and uplift is deeply felt. I am so grateful for the map to safety she's helped me cultivate within myself. I was fortunate enough to have an appointment with her in the thick of a triggering experience, thanks to the grace of Amy's astute facilitation of tapping and hypnotherapy, I was able to sooth my nervous system and regain capacity to navigate the challenges I was facing. I am forever grateful! " - Tana Jay von Isser

"...Amy helped me navigate through my ideas in a calm space. I was able to visualize my project more clearly without the clutter of emotions I was having. After our almost two-hour session I felt completely exhausted but amazed at what we were able to uncover. What I needed to see was all there, I already had all of the answers but Amy’s guidance helped me untangle my thoughts." - Anja Niemi, Photographer, Norway

"My experience working with Amy has been transformational in my business as a commercial photographer. She helped me create a marketing plan that was laser focused, with clear steps, and monthly accountability check-ins. Amy knows the commercial photo world inside and out, and this has been invaluable as she helped me define my target clients, edit my portfolio, and understand how to best use social media. She is also just a joy to work with and full of positivity! The cherry on top is that she has built a great community around her that is supportive and loves to share knowledge." - Rose Callahan, Photographer, NYC

"I am forever grateful to have found Amy! Six months ago, I was in such a career lull. I was working but I couldn't see the greater goal in the kinds of photography I wanted to pursue. Amy's insight to the industry, her positivity, and empathy, totally pulled me out of that slump. As a freelancer, it can be so easy to get stuck without anyone to bounce ideas off of, or a mentor to look up to...Amy was all those things and more. I would highly recommend her to anyone in the photo industry that needs a boost, a game plan or a cheerleader. Thank you Amy for giving me not only the technical tools and knowledge to go forward in my career, but also for making me feel how I did when I first decided to become a photographer!" - Emily Frances Olson, Photographer, NYC

"My session with Amy was incredible! In just an hour, I felt so much calmer and more peaceful (2 of my main objectives) not to mention more empowered. She put me at ease immediately, and I'm still enjoying the benefits of our time together. I definitely recommend her services, I can't wait to explore her methods more!" - Melissa Zink, Photographer, San Francisco

"That was a helpful call and I've learned a lot. I have a lot to unpack and digest from my notes and I can't wait. You left me feeling empowered and comforted in knowing some of the challenges I face are normal. I am grateful to have had a chance to speak with you." - Crystal Han, Photographer, Los Angeles

"If you are a photographer looking for guidance in the business world, Amy V. Cooper was SO helpful. I cannot recommend her enough. Check out all the services and education she has to offer." - Holly Jo, Photographer, Los Angeles

"There are many words I can think of to describe my experience working with Amy. A few that quickly come to mind are motivating, informative, genuine and thoughtful. Amy provided helpful information about how I can move forward with my photography business and I came away from our session with more information than I expected to receive. I'm excited to continue working with Amy and I'm thankful to be on the receiving end of her knowledge and experience!!!" Angelo Merendino, Photographer, Cleveland

"At the intersection of supportive, motivational, and no-bullshit, is Amy V. Cooper! I chose to work with Amy because of her well rounded experience in all things commercial photography. The insight that she provided to me was extremely valuable. While she makes it very clear that there are no shortcuts to hard work and consistency, there's no doubt in my mind that she worked hard prior to our consulting call to lay out a concise roadmap to reach my goals. Amy, thank you for giving me this direction. I'm very excited for the year ahead!" - Nicole Loeb, Photographer, Boston

"Working with Amy was the boost of clear-eyed advice I needed. I left our talk with a concrete plan of action for moving forward in my career, along with positive affirmations to help me through self-imposed roadblocks. Her keen eye helped me present my work in a stronger light." -Don Stahl, Photographer, Brooklyn, NY

"Every photographer needs direction, advice and encouragement.  Amy is that." - Sandy Morris, Photographer, Chicago, IL

"I loved working with Amy in 2019! She kept me on track with my goals, and I accomplished a ton thanks to working with her. During monthly check-ins, Amy always had great ideas to complement whatever I was working on. She is an excellent resource and a real asset for photographers. Highly recommend!!!" - Simone Lueck, Photographer, Saint Paul, MN

"...it’s really comforting to actually hear these words of encouragement. Your tone & energy make me feel like I really can do all of this stuff!" - Jason Tracy, Photographer, Kansas City, MO

"Working with Amy on a marketing plan and setting goals together was profoundly helpful. Amy simplified the actions I needed to take into concrete steps, and knowing that we would be checking in each month motivated me to check everything off my list. Much of my internal emotional chatter and procrastination around marketing my work really faded away. I can’t recommend Amy highly enough!" Flynn Larsen, Photographer, New York

"I first met Amy at a portfolio review several years ago and immediately liked her. When I saw that she was consulting, I was excited as I had been feeling the need for fresh eyes on my work, and hoped she was the right person for the job. Sure enough, Amy helped me see strengths, tighten and tidy up my website and provided a user-friendly framework for marketing which I'm eager to implement. Highly recommended!" - Brett Deering, Photographer, Oklahoma City, OK

"I chose to work with Amy because right off that bat she made me feel like she had my best interests at heart and was genuinely invested in my success and growth.  Amy from the start was interested in not just my work (images) but made a point of getting to know my goals for myself and my business. That level of investment in me as an artist/human with dreams is what solidified that she was the best person to help set me on my way to achieve my goals. Amy did a thorough, deep dive into my work and brand. She asked all the right questions, studied every inch of my website and online presence, and within the first 20 minutes of our call I already had SO MANY actionable pieces of advice that immediately changed my approach and realigned me to blaze straight away to reach my goals. This is something I should have done years ago! Best investment in my business that I’ve made to date. Thanks, Amy!!" - Lauren Pusateri, Photographer, Kansas City, MO

“As an educator I have worked with Amy on a number of portfolio and branding reviews and I have always been struck by how insightful, encouraging, and precise she is with her constructive feedback. Her industry experience, vision for an artist’s potential and ability to articulate concrete steps toward a goal make her an outstanding consultant whose advice can change the course of a career.” – Meg Mulloy, Photographer and Professor, Art Institute of Austin

Amy helped me see my body of work with fresh eyes. What’s more, her edit of my portfolio directly lead to me getting new clients.” – Giulio Sciorio, Photographer, Austin, Texas

“Amy is a professional in the truest sense of the word. She has helped me develop a clear vision for my photography and comprehensive goals for my career.” – Kristen Wrzesniewski, Photographer, San Francisco, California

“Amy understood me and what I wanted to do very quickly which led to a helpful review. I would absolutely recommend her, she has the inside knowledge that is helpful for others who are exploring their options. I feel I’ve gained some reassuring insight.” – Rachel Naomi, Photographer, NYC

"When I met with Amy for business advice, she went beyond my expectations. Her method has made a huge difference in the way I approach my portfolio, clients, and business overall." - Jessica Santiesteban, Photographer, Austin, Texas

This is a selection of best photography consultant reviews and best life coach reviews, and mindset coach testimonials.

EFT Tapping testimonials and results.

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