Austin, Texas Hypnotherapy

...and beyond

Amy V. Cooper is an Austin, Texas based hypnosis coach certified in hypnotherapy through Grace Smith and the IACT.

All appointments are virtual via Zoom or phone.

Click here for 👉 Hypnosis FAQ

I specialize in Parts Therapy - a form of hypnotherapy that invites the part of you that needs transformation - to express itself, to be seen, heard and welcomed into a safe space so that it can evolve and serve you in a more beneficial way.

Hypnosis is a safe and autonomous practice that can be used to gain clarity, shift a habit, reduce pain or fear, change your mindset, reframe a limiting belief, expand creativity, boost confidence and more. Learn more about my practice here.

I am grateful to have a full client roster. If you would like to join the waiting list to work with me, please send me an email.

Book a single session (coming soon.) Recommended for clients who are experienced with hypnosis or meditation.

Buy a Transformation 6-pack (coming soon.) Shifting a deeply seeded mindset or transforming a habit may take 6-12 sessions depending on the issue. 

Not sure what you need? Let's get to know each other first... send me an email.

I am trained and certified in hypnotherapy, I am not a licensed mental health practitioner nor therapist. If you are navigating trauma, I am happy to support you by working in conjunction with your licensed therapist or counselor. Hypnotherapy in Austin, Texas and beyond is available through virtual appointments. Please contact me if you have any questions after reading my Hypnosis FAQ page.

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