Articles & Blog
Posts tagged with photography-marketing-tips
How To Name Your Image Files
2020-03-09 22:29:00 UTCOne of my photographer clients asked me about best practices for naming image files for her clients. Having been responsible for naming and filing images as a photo editor, art buyer and digital asset manager for 20 years, I have a lot to say about it Listen to the podcast…
How To Love Marketing When You Hate Marketing, Part 1
2020-03-03 00:47:57 UTCI know how much many of you dislike working on your business, marketing yourself, thinking about content calendars and engagement and cold calls… I feel you. Let’s do something different, let’s make it fun! Listen to the podcast or watch the video. Block an entire day to work only on…
A 2020 Photography Marketing Calendar & Strategy Guide
2019-12-29 19:49:37 UTCIt’s here! My 2020 Photography Marketing Calendar & 12-month Strategy Guide is now available, and this year it’s even bigger and better
What is it? The Calendar: - A simple but gorgeous 2020 Calendar (printable pdf) with marketing tasks planned out by quarter and month based on my…
Art producers still love your print promos.
2019-12-16 19:15:00 UTCWhile I was working as an art buyer at the ad agency T3, I had days when I was so busy that I would literally push my entire stack of mail directly into the recycling bin as soon as it hit my desk. Real talk. But when a promo…
Marketing Your Commercial Photography: Titles to Target
2019-10-11 19:53:34 UTCI get this question from my consulting clients quite often: “Who are the best people to send my photography promos to at an advertising agency or brand? What job titles should I be looking for?” Here’s who you should be sending photography marketing pieces to at advertising agencies…
You’re not crazy, it’s all arbitrary.
2019-02-20 17:02:00 UTCThe more art buyers, editors, and creative directors I meet and work with, the more I realize that there are no absolutes in marketing creative services The good news- do what works for you. If you are uncomfortable cold-calling people, they will be able to tell. If you hate social…
Email Marketing for Commercial Photographers & Illustrators
2019-02-03 21:50:27 UTCEmail marketing is still one of a commercial artist’s best tools in terms of return on investment. While face-to-face meetings will always rule, email, if done right, can be a close second Last year I wrote about how email is mostly ”undisturbed by the soul-crushing algorithms of social media.” It’s…