Eye Contact

As photographers, we all know how eye contact with our subjects can transform an image. It’s one of the first things you learn: make sure the eyes are in focus and well lit.

This advice holds up for your own bio photos as well, on your website, your Instagram, and on your LinkedIn profile. This is an opportunity to be enigmatic or, you could look straight into the camera and start developing trust with your next client.

Another thing we all know, face to face interactions have the best return on investment. You don’t have to be the most talented photographer, but if you can get in someone’s IRL sightline, you’re already at an advantage.

So after you update your about photo, say yes to some holiday party invites, book a meeting or portfolio review. Lock in some eye contact, listen, and let me know how it goes!


Hey, let’s keep the conversation going on Instagram @amyvcooper! Send me a DM if you have any questions.

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