Unravelling in Partnership

Last week I was grappling with this habit seeking clarity outside of myself. When things feel uncomfortable, I start scrambling for solutions, advice, astrological explanations, hypnosis recordings, even memes, anything to “fix” what feels “bad.”

After noticing this habit, I set the intention to allow myself to accept the feelings, reframe them as neutral and gain clarity from my own wisdom. But how would I get there? Meditation? Journaling? Both are great ideas, but I don’t always have the patience or discipline to sit still enough.

What I noticed this week is that there is great power in unravelling an issue in partnership. I don’t like to ‘unload’ on my friends or partners, there’s often guilt and shame wrapped up in that, but asking for someone to listen is a gift, for both of you.

There’s something transcendent about processing beyond your own internal thinking. Trying to work through a problem in your head is like walking around in a circle, occasionally tripping over a gate (subconscious programming). You keep going around and around, banging your knees at the gate.

When you work through a challenge in partnership, sometimes, if it’s a great partner, they will open the gate, allowing you to see another path. 

How To:

- Allow yourself to accept and feel the challenge, this will help you work through it faster. Resistance to the “bad” feelings and creating an urgency to “fix” them will actually prolong the cringe. These days I find myself saying things like, “Oh hey sadness, what’s up girl? You look cute, let’s cry for a while.” Because if you kick her out of the room, she will just come back later. Pro-tip: take your contact lenses out first. 🤪

- Start talking. Ask someone to go for a walk with you or jump on Facetime. The physical movement/energetic release of speaking out loud is going to allow you to come up with your own solutions and reframes quickly. Let your friend know that you aren’t looking for them to solve the problem or give advice. 

Hire a coach. We’re trained to ask the questions that will allow your inner knowing to reveal itself. I’m not here to “fix” anyone, but I do facilitate some pretty magical awakenings every week. It’s both a delight and an honor to do so.

Transform with me.

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